
Strawberry Pineapple Granita with Rose Water

So how was your weekend? Mine was sunny and hot for a change.

This dessert is dedicated to that gorgeous sunny weekend. We had our friends over with whom we often cook and eat together and had a lovely dinner out in the backyard. The kids played hard and we even took out our never-been-used telescope from the closet and saw the rings of Saturn for the first time - ever! So yes, it was that kind of weekend for us. 

I love granita because it's the simplest dessert I can make and hard to mess up for anyone. It's such a right-on dessert when it's nice and sunny out.  I actually often prefer granita or sorbet to ice cream. It might have something to do with the fact that I was lactose intolerant when I was a child. I used to go to a cafe near my hometown with my cousins, where we used to eat hibiscus sorbet when I was little. This rose water flavored granita is making me a bit sentimental thinking of those early days back home. I guess that's what scents often do to people...

Recipe: makes 3-5 servings

2 cups of fresh strawberries (can be substituted with frozen strawberries or mixed berries)
1 cup of chopped pineapple
1/4 cup of natural agave syrup or 1/4 cup of natural cane sugar
1 tbsp of rose water
1 tbsp of fresh lemon juice

Mix strawberries, pineapple and agave syrup together in a bowl and let it sit for at least 45-60 min. Put the mixture in the blender with lemon juice and rose water. Blend together and pour it into a deep dish. Freeze, then scrape out and serve in a cup. 


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